
Philip Kotler, the father of modern marketing, with ICS next May 15th in Milan

How does marketing currently look like and how will it evolve in the future? How is the consumer image changing? These and other questions will be answered by Philip Kotler, international marketing guru, who will be the special guest of Milan’s event next May 15th


Jimmy Nelson and André Singer: memories and values at risk

Invaluable memories of tribal communities worldwide: to explore this great diversity and discuss the worth to preserve the common values they express, photographer Jimmy Nelson and filmaker André Singer met in Italy for the Oscar Pomilio Forum 2015


EXPO 2015: the European Union agenda

A rich agenda full of events for the EU at the Milan Exhibition: over 70 events, among conferences and meetings, to address the theme of food resources from different perspectives and reconfirm the institutional commitment for a more sustainable Europe and world


From Brussels to Milan, Efsa is looking to Expo

The commitment of EFSA for food security goes on: the Authority promoted many events in Italy and Europe, addressed to science experts and not only. By December our new website EfsaExpo2015 will be online




ICS Editorial

Design is a thought activity: we should not replace it with a mere “optimizing” approach, because it’s from imperfections that talent emerges.


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