
Art and communication: a new format labelled SkyArte and Pomilio Blumm

The broadcasting of the innovative TV programme conceived and advocated by SkyArte HD and Pomilio Blumm is expected for next Autumn: a four-episode format where young International emerging artists will be called upon to express themselves on institutional communication

Hybridising the lucky formula of the reality show with that of documentary? A possible challenge according to  SkyArte HD that, with Pomilio Blumm and Blumm Prize, keeps implementing the ambitious project announced by Roberto Pisoni at ICS Rome: a TV programme with young International artists called upon to confront on the theme of institutional communication.

The show will be divided into four episodes and each one will have a winner. The competition field between the various painters, photographers and performers will be that of artistic experimentation on the themes of belonging and identity connected to the relationship between Institutions and citizen: a relationship which is particularly relevant from a cultural and historical point of view in the Euro-Mediterranean area, where most of the selected artists come from. 

The docu-reality, which will be shot during the next summer months and broadcasted in Autumn, represents a precious opportunity to start an unprecedented path to search new languages between art and communication, involving among curators and jury members important names within the contemporary artistic landscape.



ICS Editorial

Design is a thought activity: we should not replace it with a mere “optimizing” approach, because it’s from imperfections that talent emerges.


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