
Carlo Petrini and Slow Food celebrate a red wine of excellence

The wine industry meets storytelling: an original literary consecration for the leading DOC wine of the Italian region of Abruzzo with the new Slow Food book “ Montepulciano d’Abruzzo. Un grande vino”, presented at the Salone Internazionale del Gusto in Turin with Carlo Petrini

Everyone in the wine-related communication field of the last years knows that wine has always inspired “stories”. But to see wine playing the starring role in a five chapters tale is the result of Slow Food's interest for the wine enterprises on the Italian territory. Not least, it's the result of the communication commitment by the Consorzio di Tutela dei vini d’Abruzzo.

We're talking about the Montepulciano d’Abruzzo wine, celebrated in a dissertation by Fabio Giavedoni – Slow Wine guides editor with a preface by Carlo Petrini, the founder of the Slow Food movement. The book represents a path along the wine routes of the italian region of Abruzzo, going through agronomic, geographic, landscape, historical and popular culture aspects; also, it is part of the actions carried out by the Consortium for the promotion of regional wines.

The book “Montepulciano d’Abruzzo. Un grande vino” was presented at the Salone Internazionale del Gusto in Turin. «I hope Montepulciano d'Abruzzo will offer every reader the same emotions and memories that offered me in the past and that I'm sure will keep offering me», Carlo Petrini writes in his preface.



ICS Editorial

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