
Cartographies 2.0. A web map to discover Bergamo

Interacting with citizens to foster their participation in the territorial governance: at the ICS Local in Milan, Federica Burini (University of Bergamo) shows the results of a research on the use of web-based collaborative cartographic systems

Held in Milan last November 28th, the ICS Local edition opened with a research conducted by the Cartographic Laboratory Diathesis of the University of Bergamo about the collaborative cartography of the web 2.0, within territorial governance systems and local development ones. The project outcomes were presented by Professor Federica Burini, using both paper and digital tools.

The first is the book “Libro bianco per la governance (The white book for governance)", that aims to analyze the educational activity of the University of Bergamo. The book is thought to be an instrument to increase the level of transparency and to support the students’ families through the very hard and delicate path of choosing their sons' and daughters' future. The book is addressed to professors as well, to help them improve the efficiency of their didactic methods.

The second product is the Bergamo Open Mapping, a participative cartographic system, created on the Web last March 2013 for the candidacy of Bergamo for “European Capital of Culture”. It aimed to promote citizens’ participation by encouraging them to spot local (and still hidden or unknown) places worth being visited and valorised. .

Based on the Google geographic maps, the platform offers information on the territory and gives users the possibility to point out those streets, squares and buildings they believe as culturally relevant. The system contains a database where all material uploaded by users (images, video, etc.) and votes received by each single initiative can be viewed. That’s how citizens themselves can plan the cultural growth of their land.



ICS Editorial

Design is a thought activity: we should not replace it with a mere “optimizing” approach, because it’s from imperfections that talent emerges.


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