
José Mujica: the biggest capital? Humanity

From producing more to producing better: former President of Uruguay José Mujica shares his ideas on the limits of the industrial economy and the benefits of social agriculture, that puts discovering the people before the value of money


Happiness is also (good) communication

Reflections, models and new utopias of a collective happiness are multiplying, thanks to the appeal of personalities of morality and importance like José Mujica. This is a shift of the paradigms and ideals and communication also needs to find its place in this scenario


Giovanni Allevi and the No Hunger Orchestra at the Expo Center for the World Food Day

Music and multiculturalism to celebrate the World Food Day and launch a global message against world hunger: at the Expo Center, the concert of Giovanni Allevi and the No Hunger Orchestra


Tunisia: from crisis to crisis communication

In such a delicate historical period for the Mediterranean, Countries and Institutions are trying to limit the consequences of the crisis in the investments and tourism field, by improving their communication: standing out among them is Fipa Tunisia, awarded with the Special Prize Euromediterraneo 2015



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