
Politics moved by tweets

The democratic potential of social media has been talked about quite a lot, maybe even too much. But today the maturity of the phenomenon requires new thinking and new reflections. We are starting our reasoning with some indisputable data and the keyword that shuffles the cards on the table: hybridization


New European Avantgarde

Avant-garde means moving beyond, anticipating the future. But what happens when the traces of the future take us back to the past? And how does the idea of ​​heritage transform in this case? These are the paradoxes of heritage, that we have tried to address together the last ICS Europe in Brussels


Speaking about values: storytelling and whereabouts

An extremely powerful tool, that belongs to an age-old tradition that is extraordinary prolific nowadays, in more cosmopolitan present: it is all about storytelling for contemporary communication and institutions. This is affirmed by the launch of the project “A new narrative for Europe"


European communication and the concept of "piazza"

Political integration and sharing of values: two perspectives on United Europe which find it hard to bond themselves without the support of a pan-European information system. What's the solution? Looking at the past and at the idea of "piazza"




ICS Editorial

Design is a thought activity: we should not replace it with a mere “optimizing” approach, because it’s from imperfections that talent emerges.


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